Plugin Tag: auto-update
Disable auto-update Email Notifications
(14 total ratings)This plugin performs a simple task of disabling email notifications that are sent by WordPress when a plugin or theme auto-updates.
Disable All WordPress Updates
(65 total ratings)Disables the theme, plugin and core update checking, the related cronjobs, plugin/theme update health checks and notification system.
WP Auto Updater
(9 total ratings)WP Auto Updater plugin enables automatic updates of WordPress Core, Themes, Plugins and Translations. Version control of WordPress Core makes automati …
Rollback Auto Update
(4 total ratings)A feature plugin now only for testing Rollback Auto Update, aka Rollback part 3. Manual Rollback of update failures has been committed in WordPress 6.
Automatic updates for WordPress without email notifications
(0 total ratings)Keep your WordPress site up-to-date and disable email notifications about WordPress updates.
Disable All WordPress Updates and Theme Editors
(4 total ratings)Disable All WordPress Updates and Theme Editors is a handy tool that allows you to not only disable all types of WordPress updates but also allows you …
Autoupdate Plugins & Themes
(0 total ratings)Safely Upgrade or Rollback any plugin either Automatically or Manually
Stop Auto Update Emails
(0 total ratings)Add the function to stop automatic update emails to WordPress.
Notify Update par JM Créa
(2 total ratings)Notify Update JM Crea notifies you by email and SMS (for subscribers FreeMobile) during an update of your WordPress.
WAJ Copyright Year
(0 total ratings)Simple class for handling auto-updating copyright year in website footers.
Disable Updates by CV
(0 total ratings)Plugins, themes and the core update can be disabled from the setting page.
(0 total ratings)A simple WordPress plugin to control automatic core updates or auto-updates for plugins, themes and translations.
Disable Plugins, Themes and Core Updates
(0 total ratings)This plugin disable plugins, themes and core updates for WordPress and also the notifications.